Frequent Questions

  • Our meals are packed with whole foods that significantly aid in satiety which makes it much easier to maintain a caloric deficit. Countless Hangry Meal Prep customers made the change to eating our meals and with no additional exercise lost significant amounts of weight while improving body composition.

    Weight loss is highly dependant on the entire diet and nutrition vs a single meal. We do not make any weight loss claims or health related claims.

  • Hangrycakes are our unique and delicious protein pancakes, made in a variety of flavors inspired by real desserts. Hangrycakes have exceptional macronutrient numbers. A small Hangrycake contains the same macronutrients as eating 4oz of chicken and 1/2 a cup of rice, but that consistently keeps your mouth watering.

    1. Thaw out in the refrigerator overnight, if possible.

    2. Unseal one corner of the lid, leaving it cracked. Microwave for 2-3 minutes if your Hangry Meal was refrigerated, 5 minutes if frozen or until your Hangry Meal is steaming hot.

    3. Allow your meal to sit for an additional 2 minutes in the microwave with the lid still in place to allow additional steaming.

      Eat and enjoy!

  • Our delivery times are set to ensure all our clients receive consistent, quality service and predictable delivery. In the future, we will be looking to expand to a private delivery service.

  • We have freezers at several of our gym locations between Longview and Troutdale! Applicable orders are paid in advance, then meals are delivered to the selected freezer to be picked up at your convenience during the gym’s regular operating hours.

    • Hangry Meal Prep does not dictate nor have any influence on gym hours of operation so please do your due diligence in figuring out freezer meal pickup.

    • Upon delivery to the freezer, Hangry Meal Prep is no longer liable for your meals. We will happily assist if somebody accidentally grabbed the wrong meals or look into an issue, but we do not have responsibility for any missing or damaged meals once they leave our hands.

    • We ask our customers to not make it a routine to pick up only from the freezers. There is limited freezer space that is available for those actually in need.

    • Any meals stored longer than 2 weeks in a freezer without prior notice will be disposed of to make room for arriving meals.

  • We are always taking new gym locations. We consider location, freezer space availability, time constraints, and various other factors.

    If you have a location in mind, please reach out to us! We'll happily discuss working with you and any potential delivery locations.

  • We no longer take on nutritional coaching clients but we are happy to direct you to a trainer we trust and that works in your area.

  • We are available and active on Instagram and Facebook. You can reach out to us via direct message, email, or text.

    We will happily answer any questions you may have.